2012 Financial data for London

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Click to download Annual reports:  2012-London-FS.pdf 

Financial Position

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Capital assets 3,241,053 19,272 7.7%
Financial assets total 870,561 5,177 9.5%
Holdings in council controlled operations
Financial assets other
Long term debt 359,127 2,135 3.4%
Employee future benefit liability 127,283 757 5.7%
Financial liabilities total 833,735 4,958 10.2%
Financial Assets - Financial Liabilities 36,826 219 3.5%


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Developer contributions 28,296 168
Investment income 8,172 49 3.8%
Other 21,215 126 1.0%
Net taxes 489,217 2,909 3.9%
Total Grants from other Governments 192,954 1,147 8.8%
Federal grants 22,101 131
Provincial grants 170,853 1,016
Remitted to second tier local government
User charges 225,265 1,339 4.3%
Total revenue 1,034,245 6,150 8.3%


Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Civic corporations
Recreation and culture 74,166 441 3.3%
Total social services 256,810 1,527
Health services 21,898 130
Social and family services 194,800 1,158
Social housing 40,112 239
Miscellaneous social program related expenditure
General government total 82,140 488 14.9%
Democracy costs
General government
Total non core expenditure 413,116 2,456 19.5%
Environmental services 156,210 929 3.8%
Planning and development 24,985 149 6.5%
Public works
Utility operations
Solid-waste disposal
Public safety total 177,589 1,056 3.0%
Miscellaneous public safety related items
Transportation 149,182 887 2.6%
Total of transportation related items
Total core expenditure 507,966 3,020 5.4%
Total expenditure 921,082 5,477 8.0%

Expenditures by Object

Total (000's) $ Per H/H % Province Avg.
Grants 152,913 909 8.8%
Interest expense 11,298 67 2.9%
Other 18,101 108 16.8%
Salaries and benefits 376,158 2,237 7.5%
Goods and services total 227,708 1,354 8.7%
Contracted services 113,414 674 13.2%
Goods 114,294 680 6.5%
Miscellaneous Goods and Services Related Items
Depreciation 134,904 802 7.3%
Total expenditure by object 921,082 5,477 8.0%